Q: How can I become a member of The Complete Theatre Company?
A: Membership is by audition only.
Q: What does the audition consist of?
A: We will have you do a quick and easy Improvisational exercise - or you have the option of performing a monologue. Have fun. This is another opportunity to perform and network.
Q: When are your classes held?
A: Wednesdays from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm and Fridays from 11 am to 1 pm.
Q: Do I have to attend both company workshops?
A: Most members attend one class a week, depending upon their schedule. You are welcome to come to both.
Q: Where are you located?
A: Classes, rehearsals, and shows are held at 358 West 44th St. @ 9th Ave.
Q: How long do I have to be a member of the company before I can perform in shows?
A: There is no waiting period.
Q: How many productions will I be cast in?
A: Typically, you'll be cast in one or two shows per season...but it can be as upwards as four.
Q: Why do you have two, weekly, workshops?
A: This way we stay connected to one another as a community. We also rehearse many of our shows in class.
Q: How are Complete classes unique?
A: Our actors either ask questions pertaining to process or give one another positive feedback. All directorial notes come from the Artistic Director.
Q: Why don't the company members give each other notes?
A: The company is the team and the director is the coach. We create an environment where performers feel safe with one another to take risks. It is a true haven where you are encouraged and supported by your fellow actors. However, the Artistic Director is there to help you grow and to guide you in your training.
Q: Can I be in The Complete Theatre Company and another theatre company? Or must I attend yours exclusively?
A: You can be a member of The Complete Theatre Company and any other company you wish to be a part of.
Q: How many members are in The Complete Theatre Company?
A: It varies season to season. Usually, between twenty five and thirty five.
Q: How many actors attend each class?
A: Our classes can be as small as ten students and as large as twenty five. The average class is composed of fifteen members.
Q: Do company members network and socialize outside of the training and production process?
A: Yes, we celebrate together at cast and holiday parties.
Q: How long has The Complete Theatre Company been around?
A: Eleven years.
For more information, please, write to Annie Ward at annieward@tctheatrecompany.com or call 347.572.3136.